Understanding the value of your business
is vital to the health of your business.

Why Business Valuation is Vital to Your Business Health

98% of business owners don't know the value of their business.

78% of business owners plan to fund retirement through the sale of their business.

60% of business owners haven't met with a financial advisor.

75% of business owners don't have a succession plan in place.

40% of business owners have no insurance.

At Ripple Wealth Management, we believe every business owner deserves to know the true value of their business. Our comprehensive Business Valuation Tool provides you with essential insights to safeguard your business's future.

Get a Business Evaluation
Retired couple walking along a beach cliffside

What We Offer

4 Key Value Estimates

Our tool generates four distinct estimates of your business's value to give you a well-rounded view of your business's financial standing.

  • Asset Value
  • Equity Value
  • Enterprise Value
  • Liquidation Value

Competitive Insights

Understand how your business stacks up against the competition. Our tool analyzes key performance indicators (KPIs) to show if your business is underperforming, out-performing, or right in line with industry averages.

13 Critical KPIs

We measure 13 vital KPIs to help you assess the overall financial and operational health of your business. This data is crucial for making informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Get a Business Evaluation

Secure your business's future by understanding its true worth. Use Ripple Wealth Management's Business Valuation Tool today and take the first step towards a healthier, more prosperous business.